Forget about tax rebate checks?

I know what you're thinking...

"Are you serious? Why on earth would I forget about receiving money in the mail from the government?"


"what kind of bone head would create a blog telling me to forget about the only thing I look forward to receiving from the government every year?"

Hear me out. I'm not commanding you to forget about your tax rebate check from the government. That would just be plain dumb. I'm just simply observing what will naturally happen AFTER you receive that tax rebate check.

It happens to all of us. We receive our rebate checks from the government, spend them, and ultimately forget about getting another rebate check until next year rolls around.

I think this is wrong. Why? Well, I always thought, "why should I receive only one rebate check a year. Why can't I receive rebate checks every month? I put my hard earned money into this economy day after day. I deserve to have some of it come back to me on an ongoing basis." Don't you?

Now, I'm not talking about receiving government issued tax rebate checks every month. That will, more than likely, never happen.

I'm talking about getting real rebate checks every month for the day to day purchases we make. Purchases like, toothpaste, shaving cream, pens, baby supplies, vitamins. And what about things like health insurance?

I used to fall for those ads in my local weekly newspaper. You know, the ads that say things like, "GET $50.00 BACK IN THE MAIL." So, like a goofball, I'd jump in my car, drive to the store (while wasting gas and patience with bad drivers), spend time looking for the advertised item, buy it. And then wait and wait and wait for that rebate check to appear in my mail box.

Guess what, those rebate checks never came. So, to me, rebate became a dirty six letter word.


While surfing on the internet one day I found what I basically thought was a scam. It was a website offering a free membership in a service that would hook me up with merchants and would give me a rebate ON EVERY PURCHASE I MADE through them!

Well, being a million times burned and a million times shy you can appreciate how skeptical I was. But, this service also stated it was 100% free! The only thing I needed to do was make a quick and easy change in the way I purchased my every day items. Namely, I just needed to make some of my purchases on these sites.

So, I checked out these sites. Guess what? Some of these sites were owned by some of the hugest retailers out there. I was shopping in the websites for stores like Sears, Macy's and Target! Sure, this service deals with smaller vendors but, wow, was I blown away to find the big boys there too.

BUT, unlike buying things from the brick and mortar stores owned by these big companies, I was getting MONEY BACK from them in the mail while buying their products through the free service I had just joined! It just makes sense. The big retailers want a larger share of the huge online profits internet shopping offers. So, why not give some of the money back to the consumers?

This logic has absolutely worked on me. I'm now making most of our household purchases online and I'm really reaping the benefits.

So, no, it wasn't a scam. Look I could go on and on but my endless talking isn't doing you any good. I mean, you want to see where you can go and get the same deals right? O.k. Tell you what. if you click on the link on this page that says "STOP WASTING MY TIME AND SIGN ME UP NOW!" You'll be taken to a page with the sign up info.

This is a free service. I've never been pressured into doing anything I don't want to do and you won't either. Plus, let me just say that I like the people on this site. They are the fairest and most honest people I've ever met online. And if you sign up you'll learn how our purchasing activity can help children who need our help.

And yes, I do get compensated for your joining and making purchases. But, know what? You can do the exact same thing if you choose (remember, there is absolutely no obligation for you to do so). But, frankly, I have no idea why you wouldn't. I mean, if you have friends and family members that would benefit from this service why wouldn't you tell them?

Also, I will try to update this blog on a daily basis and let you know what type of deals you can get from the merchant partners of this site. So, see you later. And, stay in touch. After all, this is a blog and you can post your comments and let me know how you're doing with this program.

